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Pleegs – Track the news real time

I found out today about Pleegs

It is a meta search engine based on 16 sources (looking into websites, blogs,…)

The interesting feature is that you can be notified of all new entries via RSS, e-mail or directly on your blog, with a widget. This allows you to track the buzz about a product, a link, a brand or a name, …

Yet another way to keep an eye on what’s being said regarding your competitors or … yourself …

The site is still in beta, and I have a bit less than 20 invitations that I can distribute. So if you’re interested, drop me a comment with your name and email address (name_AT_domain)

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Commentaires (1)

Hi Xavier,

Sounds interesting. Yes, if you still have an unused invitiation, I’d like to get on the list. Thanks!


PS: Saw Marianne on Saturday. She’s doing fine, teaching school (English and Flemish), taking courses at the university, taking care of her 3 girls and husband and getting ready to move house next weekend. Other than that, not very busy…….

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