“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll understand.”
– Confucius
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Dans mon article sur l’intérêt d’avoir une démarche stratégique en T/PME, j’ai évoqué le fait qu’il existe toute une série…
(This post is in French because I’m reacting to a French written post. The ideas therefore came naturally in this…
Selon une étude du BPI Lab, parue en 2016, 45% des dirigeants de PME en France ressentent un sentiment de…
As stated in my previous post, I have been invited to the Enterprise 2.0 Summit as an Ambassador. As such,…
a few days ago, I stumbled on this article from Pragmatic Marketing … I was blown away! True, they do…
I’d like to mention a great website for (would-be) Product Managers who would happen to ask themselves questions regarding their…
Cela fait un moment que l’idée me titille, mais un article relayé par mon ami Fred Colantonio sur une de…
Bertrand Duperrin aborde enfin la question de la pertinence de l’utilisation des outils collaboratifs au sein des PME. Nous avions…
Found via @bduperrin, this video is spot on! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97QnmtMn1cs]
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As told in my previous post, I’m starting a series of posts based on a paper I wrote back in…
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