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Find interesting people around your location …

no, this is not a post about some dating website …

Techcrunch France is pointing us to MrSmeet, a French web site, created by Phoceis, that allows people to connect with other people in their area based on a tag search.

The idea is that people registering define themselves with tags, therefore making it possible for other people to find them.

I like the idea, and I can imagine it as some kind of replacement for the traditional yellow pages phone book.

The big drawback in my opinion is that the only means to connect that is given by MrSmeet is your email …

Given the level of spam nowadays, I do not think that many people will register to the service … too bad …

This being said, the ‘about’ page tells us that the idea behind this service was just an exercise for the Phoecis folks to flex their muscles on Ajax, .Net and Google maps API …

This could maybe develop into something more interesting?


Apparently, the ‘About’ page is mistaken, and the email is not necessarily given away … there’s a contact form. So you can decide if you want to continue the discussion or not …

Thanks to Julien for mentioning this important point!

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Commentaires (3)

Hi Barthox

Thanks for the post about
Just a precision however. There was a mistake on the about page. The email will not be published or given to someone who wished to contact you. There is a contact form. It is up to you then to choose to answer or not his message.

We hove we will find enough enthousiastic adopters who will make the service work and enhance.


[…] à une remarque de Barthox sur son blog, il me semble important de clarifier un point, d’autant plus […]

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